Saturday 30 August 2014

MyFirstBlogg :D

Hey my fellow Fashion Queen (and Kings), so this is  my first blog #tbt even though its a Saturday and its not a throwback.... Great Start(!) Ok so I thought I make my first blog more about me! So bare yourselves. Okay here goes nothing, So my name is Kadra Warsame I am British (and no I don't have butler called Chancely)  but my race is Somalian I'm 12 TURNING 13 on Sep 19 and DUH I love fashion and makeup and whatever I thought to well start blogging because I wanted to like spread my knowledge of Fashion and thing that are in so you can dress to impress, I love TFIOS omg don't even!! So that's all I can think of really... I'll post every Saturday and yeah.. Oh follow me on Twitter and @kaddyxo me or telling me you saw my blog! Thanks Kads OUT! 

1 comment:

  1. Comment down if you've seen this post or if you want to carry on ily-Kads
